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- ; $Id: wdr_scrl.pro,v 1.3 1997/01/15 04:29:15 ali Exp $
- ;
- ; Copyright (c) 1993-1997, Research Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
- ; Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.
- ; This is the code for a DRAW widget with scroll bars. It
- ; displays a portion of an image of a "DIST" in the drawing
- ; window. It also allows the user to erase the
- ; draw widget and to redraw the image. If the mouse button
- ; is pressed while the cursor is moved over the displayed
- ; image, the X and Y positions of the cursor are printed in
- ; the IDL window.
- ; For an example of a draw widget without scroll bars,
- ; see the procedure WDRAW.PRO.
- PRO wdr_scrl_event, event
- ; This is the event handler for a draw widget with scroll bars.
- ; The COMMON block is used because the event handler usually needs
- ; the window number and size of the draw widget.
- COMMON wdr_scrlblock, win_num, orig_image, x_im_sz, y_im_sz
- ; When a widget is manipulated, put its User Value into the variable 'eventval':
- WIDGET_CONTROL, event.id, GET_UVALUE = eventval
- ; Perform actions based on the user value of the event:
- CASE eventval OF
- ; The help statement is useful for
- ; debugging the event handler. Try uncommenting
- ; it to see the full structure returned by a
- ; draw window event. Note the 'PRESS' and
- ; 'RELEASE' fields.
- ; HELP, /STRUCT, event
- ; Only deal with the 'press' event,
- ; disregard the 'release' event
- IF event.press EQ 1 THEN BEGIN
- ; Print the device coordinates of the cursor
- PRINT, 'X = ', event.x
- PRINT, 'Y = ', event.y
- swin = !D.WINDOW ; Save previous window
- ; Set the window number - important if multiple windows
- WSET, win_num
- ERASE ; Erase the image
- WSET, swin ; Restore previous window
- swin = !D.WINDOW ; Save previous window
- ; Set the window number - important if multiple windows
- WSET, win_num
- ; Redraw the image
- TVSCL, REBIN(orig_image, x_im_sz, y_im_sz)
- WSET, swin ; Restore previous window
- PRO wdr_scrl, XSIZE=x_size, YSIZE=y_size, $
- X_SCROLL_SIZE=x_scroll, Y_SCROLL_SIZE=y_scroll, $
- ; This is the procedure that creates a draw widget which scrolls.
- ; The COMMON block is used because the event handler usually needs
- ; the window number and size of the draw widget.
- ; Names of common variables must be distinct from keyword variables.
- COMMON wdr_scrlblock, win_num, orig_image, x_im_sz, y_im_sz
- ; The size of the draw area is one of the more important parameters
- ; for a draw widget. This example uses keywords to define the size
- ; of the draw area. An alternative would be to use a fixed size draw area.
- if (NOT keyword_set(x_size)) THEN x_size = 600
- if (NOT keyword_set(y_size)) THEN y_size = 600
- ; The size of actual area which will be displayed is determined by
- ; these keywords.
- if (NOT keyword_set(x_scroll)) THEN x_scroll = 200
- if (NOT keyword_set(y_scroll)) THEN y_scroll = 300
- swin = !D.WINDOW ; Remember the current window so it can be restored
- ; A top -level base widget with the title "Scrolling Draw Widget Example"
- ; will be created. The size is left unspecified until the draw widget
- ; is created:
- base = WIDGET_BASE(TITLE = 'Scrolling Draw Widget Example', $
- ; Setting the managed attribute indicates our intention to put this application
- ; under the control of XMANAGER, and prevents our draw widgets from
- ; becoming candidates for becoming the default window on WSET, -1. XMANAGER
- ; sets this, but doing it here prevents our own WSETs at startup from
- ; having that problem.
- ; Make the 'DONE' button:
- button1 = WIDGET_BUTTON(base, $
- UVALUE = 'DONE', $
- ; Make the DRAW widget:
- draw = WIDGET_DRAW(base, $
- /BUTTON_EVENTS, $ ;Generate events when button is pressed.
- /FRAME, $
- RETAIN = 2, $ ;Make sure IDL provides backing store.
- UVALUE = 'DRAW_WIN_EVENT', $ ;The User Value of the draw widget.
- X_SCROLL_SIZE = x_scroll, $ ;The x size of the displayed area.
- Y_SCROLL_SIZE = y_scroll, $ ;The y size of the displayed area.
- XSIZE = x_size, $
- YSIZE = y_size)
- ; Make the 'ERASE' button:
- button2 = WIDGET_BUTTON(base, $
- ; Make the 'REDRAW' button:
- button3 = WIDGET_BUTTON(base, $
- ; Realize the widgets:
- ; The VALUE of a draw widget is its "window number".
- ; Get the window number from the draw widget.
- ; This number can only be obtained after the widget has been realized.
- ; Use to display an image in the draw widget. Set the window for
- ; the TVSCL command to use since there may be other draw windows.
- WSET, win_num
- orig_image = COS(DIST(50)) ;Make an image to display.
- TVSCL, REBIN(orig_image, x_size, y_size) ;Display the image.
- WSET, swin ; Restore the original window
- ; Set the common values for the image size:
- x_im_sz = x_size
- y_im_sz = y_size
- ; Hand off control of the widget to the XMANAGER: